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Do you need old system software disks to boot your vintage Mac?

It's fun to look back at old Apple emails. Check them out.

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© 2004-2022 Kevin Rye. All Rights Reserved.

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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

OS X 10.0 Sealed Retail Box

Another sweet addition to the ever-growing vintage OS collection. I missed out on a few of these I spotted on eBay because the price just got too high. I paid a little more than I wanted to, but this bad boy was sealed! I couldn’t resist!

Pasted Graphic 620

Pasted Graphic 621

2001.Can’t believe it’s been 10 years!

Pasted Graphic 622

Pasted Graphic 623


Pasted Graphic 624

Should I open it? Should I open it? You betcha! I cheated. I broke the seal on the bottom.

And there it is. What goodies await inside?

Pasted Graphic 625

Pasted Graphic 626

The manual.

Pasted Graphic 627

The discs: OS X 10.0, OS 9, and the Developer Tools.

Pasted Graphic 628

The legal stuff, and those coupons no one ever used.

Pasted Graphic 629

I think I’m going to throw this on this iMac just to see how it looks!