Not only did I score the OS X Public Beta, but I scored it in a bundle with OS X 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.4, AppleWorks 6 and an Apple DVD-ROM drive. All for a measly $52 bucks!

I’ve been dying to get my hands on the 2000 Public Beta. It’s nearly impossible to get one nowadays. (Especially with all the paperwork.) Over the past year, I’ve seen 4 come and go on eBay, but I’ve missed every one. Two or three were just the disc without a sleeve or any of the accompanying paperwork. The one I scored is complete. It even has the original Apple invoice!
OS X 10.0 “Kodiak” Public Beta

OS X 10.0 CheetahI already have this, but this box is in better shape.

The seller took advantage of the OS X up-to-date program as they included 10.1 and 10.2 in the original up-to-date mailers. I already have both of those in retail packaging.
OS X 10.1 Puma
OS X 10.2 Jaguar
OS X 10.4 Tiger

The seller purchased it from the Apple Store. He even kept the receipt and bag. (I do the same thing. I keep all my receipts!)

I don’t know if this .Mac brochure came with the retail box or if the user grabbed it from one of the counters while shopping. I love the “take one” brochures Apple provides. A nice addition to my mini-collection of brochures.

Also included in the box was an unopened trial of iWork ’05. I love getting these unexpected surprises when I open the box. I’m usually expecting nothing more than a CD and a manual. Maybe the occasional Apple sticker. When I find fliers and other promotional materials like this, it makes the score that much sweeter!

AppleWorks 6I already gained a copy of that from the OS Mega Lot that I scored back in September. However, this one is in much better shape.

And last but not least, an Apple 8X DVD-ROM drive dated 08/2000. The seller stated he threw it in for kicks in case the buyer needed it to install Tiger.

The main reason I purchased this bundle was for the Public Beta and OS 10.4 Tiger. Everything else is gravy. I’ll most likely sell the 10.1 and 10.2 up-to-date packages since I already have the full retail version of those. I’ll keep the nicer 10.0 and AppleWorks boxes and sell my other ones.
I might even end up making some money off the deal, effectively getting the Public Beta and Tiger for free. It doesn’t get better than that!