3 new Apple Posters
December 27, 2011 Filed in:
PostersI picked up 3 new 22” x 28” frames for some of the keepers from the 14 mega-lot of posters that I scored on eBay.

I kept a few and sold the rest on eBay. I profited well over $100 already and there’s still a few more to go. It was definitely a sweet score. The profit paid for the frames. So it’s like getting them for free. You can’t get any better than that!
The LEGO Happy Mac I made as well as the 2 Think Different posters are all the same size. The others are all 22 x 28. I just can’t decide if I like the same size posters hung horizontally with the 22 x 28’s like this:

Or with them hung vertically like this:

I’ll have to stare at them for a week and decide. The LEGO one looks like it’s just floating out there. Eventually that’s going to come down. I can see myself sacrificing it for a vintage poster sooner or later.
I’m still not happy that the iPod poster is as yellow as it is. (Not to mention the holes in the corners.) It’ll do until I can replace it. It’s just awesome to finally have one!