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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

$5 Macintosh LC 520

Along with the 1995 PowerMac 5200/75 LC that I scored for a mere $5 bucks, I also scored this Macintosh LC 520 for $5. Two Macs for $10! Can you believe it!?

I was really hoping that this machine would work so I could pull the guts out of it and put them in my Macintosh TV. However, it doesn’t appear to want to turn on.

Anyway, let’s have a look at what $5 bucks can buy.

The case is in pretty good shape. No cracks or marks. It’s a little discolored




Removing the I?O panel shows the the inside of the case looks pretty clean.


I slide out the hard drive. It’s 80 Megs.


The logic board looks pretty clean. Unlike my Macintosh TV board, this one does not have any corrosion on it.



Disassembly is a snap. Just remove the five case screws and slide the back bucket off. Wow, what is that? Looks like a rusty mark.


It’s also on the underside of the chassis.


It does’t look like it came from the logic board since there’s no sign of corrosion. Perhaps the computer sat in a puddle in someone basement.

Everything else looks ice and clean.


It’s unfortunate that the machine doesn’t power on. Between the Macintosh TV, the spare analog board that I purchased and this, that’s 3 boards that are no good. I’ll have to keep tinkering with these and find out exactly what the problem is.