Logic Studio finally arrived after a week of intense patience on my part. I can’t wait to fire it up.
And now, for the obligatory unboxing photos:

And there it is. In all its glory.

Once the sleeve was removed, a very sturdy, silver-Apple’ed black box was revealed.

One thing’s for sure, Apple didn’t stinge on the documentation. There’s about 1500 pages worth of owner’s manuals included.

There are 8 installation DVDs:
1. Logic Studio Install
2. Audio Content 1
3. Audio Content 2
4. Audio Content 3
5. Jam Pack Content 1
6. Jam Pack Content 2
7. Jam Pack Content 3
8. Demo Content

All in all, those 8 DVDs provide Logic Pro 8, MainStage, Soundtrack Pro 2, Studio Instruments, Studio Effects, WaveBurner 1.5, Compressor 3, Impulse Response Utility, Apple Loops Utility, Quicktime 7 Pro, Jam Pack Collections, sound effects, surround music beds, EXS24 samples, impulse response files, and demo content.
All that along with the owner’s manuals makes $499 a steal!
INSTALLATION:Wow, that took forever!
It took about 2 hours to install 7 DVDs. The last disk is demo stuff, and not very useful to me. So I think I’ll pass on that.

The installer is chock-full of options. It’s too bad that Compressor is disabled. I think you only get that if you have Final Cut Pro installed. Too bad. I could have used that.

This is what you first see when you start it up.

This is the main window.