iPhone X
December 25, 2017 Filed in:
UnboxingIt's been a long time since I got my hands on a new iPhone. I'm still rocking an iPhone 6. My contract was up when the iPhone 7 came out, but my twins had finally reached the age where it was time to buy them phones. Needless to say, my plan went up almost a hundred bucks. I just couldn't bring myself to pay $300 a month for yet two more phones for my wife and I. After all, my iPhone 6 had nothing wrong with it. My battery still lasted all day. We really didn't
need new phones.
Fast forward a year. It's a different story now. My battery is still pretty good. I can't complain, but the phone is starting to show signs of age. iOS 11 runs kind of crappy on the phone. The screen flickers when there should be smooth animations. It's all just kind of janky. It's time for a new phone. The iPhone X just came out, and I just couldn't resist. When my wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I asked for an iPhone X and crossed my fingers.
Merry Christmas!

I went for the 256GB model. How could you not? I can't believe what a difference 256GB makes. I loaded all the apps, photos, and music from my 64GB iPhone 6 and it hardly made a dent. I threw about another 100GB of music on my phone and I still have a good 100GB to spare!

It's too bad Apple did away with the nice plastic headphone case. I guess I'll have to just swap cases with my old head phones.

This has got to be the nicest screen I have ever seen. It looks like printed text on paper. I know the photo just doesn't do it justice, but you have to see it to believe it.

It's going to take some time getting used to not having a home button. I keep finding myself pressing the screen to wake it up as if there was a home button. It's muscle memory. Some people complain about the "notch" at the top, but to tell you the truth, I don't even notice it. In any case, the phone is amazing. I'm really happy with it.