If you’ve never had the chance to get into GarageBand, then I strongly urge you to try it out. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in just a few hours.

At first, I was a little intimidated by the GUI. There’s so many controls, widgets, and menus, that it’s hard for the beginner to figure out what does what. After sitting in on a GarageBand Workshop at the local Apple Store, I was a lot more comfortable with the ins and outs of the Loop Browser and the Track Info panes. I strongly recommend checking out you local Apple Store Schedule for the next GarageBand Workshop.
I also highly recommend picking up the 4 GarageBand Jam Packs available from Apple. They are pretty expensive, at $99 a pop, but the collections of instruments and loops they provide are incredible. Maybe browse on over to eBay for a discount, like myself.
After getting home from the Apple store, I was ready to create! My first little ditty was pretty funky. Sounds like something out of a gangster movie, you know, when the bad guys are “going to work”.
Gansters WalkingThat was fun, but not really the sound I’m looking for. I’m kinda looking for a Jean-Michel Jarre meets Nine Inch Nails sound. Maybe my newest song “Palladium” is a little closer.
PalladiumNot bad for 3 hours, if I do say so so myself!
I plan on getting into this full time. I want to put together my own album. I have always been into music, and have always wanted to put out my own stuff, but have never had the means to. And to tell you the truth, I’d rather do it all myself than deal with the BS and drama that comes along with a band. Been there, done that.
So stay tuned.... There’s more to come in the future, maybe even another page on the site dedicated to my music.