February 04, 2012 Filed in:
CollectionI’ve been on a pretty hefty buying spree the past 2 months. I’ve made a ton of vintage Apple purchases. It’s funny though, the more things I check off my “want list” the more I seem to add to it.

With the latest addition of my Macintosh Portable, I found myself reorganizing a few things to get it to fit. I was left wondering where the next machine will go. I have my eye out for a G4 Cube, a Lisa, and a Twentieth Anniversary Mac. I have no idea where I’d put them if I got one. I might have to consolidate or take down some of the empty boxes and move stuff to shelves. I can’t add any more shelves since I used up all the wall space on posters. The empty space above the Newtons is already reserved for 2 new 24 x 36 posters I scored. I still have to pick up some frames for them.
Anyway, here’s a few updated pictures of the collection:
Macintosh 128K / 400K drive
Macintosh 512K / 400K drive
Macintosh Plus / 800K drive
Macintosh Classic / 3.5” drive / AppleCD 300e Plus
Blueberry iBook G3
Bondi Blue iMac G3

Macintosh SE / Iomega SCSI Zip 100 / 3.5” Drive
StyleWriter II
Macintosh Color Classic / AppleDesign Powered Speakers II / AppleCD 600e
Macintosh Portable

QuickTake 100
QuickTake 150
QuickTake 200
iSight Camera
Apple VideoPhone
Apple TV gen 1 rev 1
Apple TV gen 1 rev 2
1st gen iPod 5GB
4th gen iPod 20GB
2nd gen iPod Mini 4GB
2nd gen iPod Nano 2GB
1st gen iPod Shuffle 512M
2nd gen iPod Shuffle 1GB
1st gen iPod Touch 8GB
iPhone 8GB
iPhone 3G 16GB
5th gen iPod Video Camera Connection Kit
iPad Camera Connection Kit

12” PowerBook G4 1.5 GHz
Newton 100
Newton 110
Newton 120
Newton 130
Newton Charging Station
Newton Modem
Newton 100 Charger
eMate 300

Above the closet, AirPort Base Stations.

Boxes and miscellaneous things on the left.

Boxes along the top of the windows.

More boxes on the right, along with software and manuals.

In front of the windows, my Apple IIe and //c setups, ImageWriter II and Apple Scribe printer.

And then of course, my main workstation:
2008 Mac Pro 8-core 2.8 GHz, 8 GB RAM, 2.6 TB, ATI Radeon HD 5770
Drobo FireWire 800 - 2 TB RAID
27” Cinema Display
30” Cinema Display
2009 Mac Mini, 1.6 GHz, 1GB, 120 GB
Mighty Mouse
Magic Mouse
Magic Trackpad
iPhone 4, 32 GB
iPad 2, 64 GB

And I almost forget, a clock above the door.