I Finally Found Another Color Classic Case
January 04, 2012 Filed in:
Macintosh Color Classic | VintageIf you remember, the Color Classic that I scored back in August was damaged by the Post Office. Even though the weather was nice, I held off on restoring it. I wasn’t sure if I’d be selling it in favor of a nicer purchase, or if I’d be able to find another front panel for it. I’ve been trying to get my hands on a new one ever since.

Finding replacement parts is practically impossible. Unfortunately, the going rate on a Color Classic seems to be in the $200-$300 range. I’m truly lucky to have scored the one that I did for only $50 bucks. I’m not really looking to buy a new one, I just want to fix the one that I have.
Luckily for me, I finally found someone who had a complete case for sale and was wiling to let go of it for only $40. Considering I got my $50 back from the Post Office, I’m basically only out $40. Not bad for a fully operational Color Classic!
The front of the case is perfect. The back is another story, but I don’t care about that as I won’t be needing it. Whatever parts are left over, I’ll “give away” on eBay just so they don’t end up in a landfill.
The case is pretty yellow; more so than the one I already have. It’ll need some retr0brite action. Based on the lengthy Scribe Printer restoration I just completed, I’ll definitely be waiting until the Spring/Summer to do it.

The back of the case is a mess. Why do school’s insist on ruining all their equipment with identifiers? The school logo is actually branded into the case. The horror!

As well as having the I/O panel, the inside is complete with all the cabling and fans. (Not that I’ll be needing any of that.) Who knows, maybe there’s someone out there that is worse off than me and thinks the back of this case is an improvement to theirs. Maybe someone just needs the I/O panel. Who knows?

I can’t wait for the winter to end so I can start the restoration!