
I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.


Magic Mouse! Finally!

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I’ve been trying to get my hands on one of these bad boys since Christmas, but it’s been out of stock every time I’ve gone to the Apple Store.

I should have just ordered it online. Anyway...

I love this thing! Gone are the days of the sticky Mighty Mouse scroll ball. I loved the Magic Mouse. I loved it so much that I got one when it first went wireless. I then bought a new one when that one got smashed. I then bought parts to repair that one when it broke too. I loved the Mighty Mouse, but that damn scroll ball sucked!

Other than Targus, I couldn’t find another mouse that matched Apples’s look and feel. People just don’t know how to make a nice looking mouse in white. So basically, I stuck with the Mighty Mouse.

I immediately took to the multitouch wonder that is the Magic Mouse. There’s no learning curve, and there’s no getting used to it. It just feels right, and just works naturally.

I also installed MagicPrefs so that I could have even more multitouch love from my Magic Mouse.

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Now a 3-fingered click launches Expose and a 4-fingered click launches Dashboard. 2 fingered swipes left, right, up, or down changes my Space.

That’s just awesome.

Cue the obligatory unboxing ceremony:

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It’s definitely a lot thinner than the Mighty Mouse.

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And there you have it! The Magic Mouse is now Apple Mouse #5 for me. (Sorry, never had a puck!) So, if your Mighty Mouse is killing you, and you can’t see yourself with a cheap $20 black piece of junk PC mouse, the Magic Mouse is for you.

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