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Do you need old system software disks to boot your vintage Mac?

It's fun to look back at old Apple emails. Check them out.

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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

Apple Store Opening: The Willowbrook Mall

I got an email from Apple that said there was a grand opening at the Willowbrook mall in Wayne, NJ today. It’s a 30 minute ride for me, so I was all about scoring a shirt today.

The grand opening was at 10:00. When we got there at 10:05, there were already a good 100 people inside and another 100 on line. The line moved really quickly and we were inside in 10 minutes. I brought my three kids, so I had the stroller with me. The kids enjoyed the fan-fair. They were given multiple high fives and woo-hoo’s from the 2 dozen or so Apple Store employees that greeted us on the way in. I was handed a shirt as I walked in. I promptly put it in the baby carriage, and 10 feet later I was handed another shirt. Who am I to refuse? I’m happy that I finally made it to a store opening and walked away with a shirt!

It’s a nice store, bigger than the ones by me. It was packed and was difficult to navigate through the crowd with a stroller and two 4 years olds. But overall, a nice experience. Being part of the Apple hysteria is always fun.

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