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Do you need old system software disks to boot your vintage Mac?

It's fun to look back at old Apple emails. Check them out.

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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

30" Cinema Display Stand

I’m tired of the clutter on my desk. None of my peripherals seem to have a home. It’s all just kind of lying under the MacBook and Display.


It’s time to build...

I started out with a concept in Google SketchUp.

cinema display stand

I picked up some supplies from Home Depot: 2 boards @ 36x12 and 1 smaller board cut into 4 x 2.5” strips, and some screws.
Total cost: $24.00


I marked up the boards, drilled holes, and screwed them together. It was that easy!




I covered the bottom holes with those furniture feet cushiony things.


I then cut a dowel into little slivers and painted them white. I used those to fill the top holes. I sparkled and painted them after I took the shot, so it came out a little nicer than what you see here.


Looks awesome. No more clutter.
