February 05, 2013 Filed in:
iPhoto | Print ServicesIt’s time to make my wife’s annual iPhoto Book! Well, actually, I missed it already, but that’s OK! I’ll tell you why.
Every year I make my wife an iPhoto book of the kids’ photo favorites for the year as a Christmas present. The problem with that is in order to have it in time for Christmas, I have to wrap the book up and submit the order the first week of December. Needless to say, the book never has any Christmas pictures in it. At most, there’s one or two pictures of them in front of the tree since it goes up the weekend after Thanksgiving.
To solve this recurring problem, I told her from now on she’s not getting it for Christmas. I’ll still give her a
calendar of the kids for Christmas, but the book will just have to wait until Valentine’s day. She agreed; if it meant she can have a book with Christmas pictures in it too. The book is supposed to be a collection of photo favorites for the whole year. The year in review if you will. It has all the holidays, birthdays, summer outings, school events, and other special occasions in it. It seems crazy that there wouldn’t be any pictures of the boys opening their Christmas presents!
know the drill, just create your book in iPhoto, click “Buy Book” and it’s on the way.

So here it is, hot off the press! I really like the way it came out. It’s 13” x 10”. The book contains 50 pages and ran me $100. Just to put things into perspective, here it is next to my iPhone. It’s a nice sized book and is definitely “gift worthy”.

As usual, it comes in a very nice sleeve.

One thing that I started doing the past few years, now that the kids are old enough that they can actually draw something that makes sense, is that I scan in the pictures they draw and sprinkle them throughout the book. It’s a nice touch and my wife loves it. How many people save their kids’ doodles just to throw them in a box and forget about them? This way you get to see how they improve over the years as they grow.

My little ninjas!

The print quality is great. I’m always very pleased with them. I need to find more reasons to make more books!