My sister-in-law was complaining that her ancient 2010 MacBook Pro was so slow that it was not even usable anymore. This is the same MacBook that I
replaced the battery two years ago. She has since picked up a new laptop and the MacBook Pro has been sitting around for about a year collecting dust. She gave it to me to mess around with. She’s right. This thing is sooooo slow. It takes about a minute to boot up and any app that you launch takes about 20-30 seconds to load.
It is a little worse for wear, but it might just need a good cleaning.

The top left-hand corner of the display is dented. Although, I'm sure replacement covers are cheap on eBay for a 9-year old MacBook. I might replace it.

I've been wanting a MacBook for the longest, but they are so expensive. I just can't justify buying one when I know it's probably not going to get a lot of use. However, with a free MacBook, I saw this as the perfect opportunity to invest a small amount of money to upgrade an older machine and get some use out of it without having to drop $1500+ on a new one.
I hopped online and ordered 16GB of RAM and a 1TB SSD drive.

The drive even came with an enclosure to house the drive that is being replaced. Pretty sweet deal for only $160 bucks.

Getting under the hood is only a matter of removing 10 screws.

I had the drive and RAM swapped out in literally 3 minutes.

I then jumped into the Recovery mode and reinstalled macOS.

I let it run overnight since it was late and woke up in the morning to a fresh looking MacBook Pro.

I also replaced the power adapter. The old one was looking rather grubby. I got an open-box one from eBay for only $18 bucks!

So how fast is it? It's actually pretty fast. Getting to the login screen went from about a minute (if not longer) to 18 seconds. That could also have something to do with having a clean install vs all the junk that was on it before. However, apps went from taking 20-30 seconds to launch to popping up almost immediately. I am really surprised, and pleased, at how fast it is now. This MacBook might actually turn out to be really useful and not just something that I drag out in a pinch.
Here's a before and after shot of the drive read/write speed. It's night and day.

Between the RAM, the drive, and the adapter, I only spent about $250 bucks. Not bad for a MacBook Pro that feels like new.