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Do you need old system software disks to boot your vintage Mac?

It's fun to look back at old Apple emails. Check them out.

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© 2004-2022 Kevin Rye. All Rights Reserved.

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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

Newton 100 - The Original MessagePad

I scored a Newton 130 in the box for $100, and this guy came along for the ride. Very nice two-for-one deal. The original Newton 100, with stylus.

It was a little dirty, but it shined up nice with some alcohol.

Pasted Graphic 593

Pasted Graphic 594

Original stylus. Always a plus.

Pasted Graphic 595

Something in the card slot? What do we have here?

Pasted Graphic 596

Awesome! A free 2MB flash card! It’s an original card dated 1993.

Pasted Graphic 597 Pasted Graphic 598

I threw in some fresh AAAs and turned it on.

Pasted Graphic 599

It worked like a charm.

Pasted Graphic 600

The flash card works too.

Pasted Graphic 601

Cool, I just remembered about that Newton 100 charger that I got with the last lot. I knew it would come in handy!

Pasted Graphic 602

Pasted Graphic 603

Very cool to have the first Newton.

OK, on to the 130....