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Do you need old system software disks to boot your vintage Mac?

It's fun to look back at old Apple emails. Check them out.

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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

Mini vMac

Remember rockin’ the Mac Plus back in the 80’s? I sure do. The best computer I ever had. (Until the MacBook Pro anyway!) Well, the best in terms of what I like to call “the WOW factor”. Back in its day, nothing came close.

My fondest memories of the Mac Plus were spending countless hours after school playing Dark Castle. Ever since the family Mac died, I haven’t been able to play it. We switched to PCs shortly afterwards. Corporate America forced my Dad’s hands to buy a PC. I couldn't tolerate DOS or Windows 3.1 so I pretty much stopped using computers for about 5 years until Win 95 hit the scene. I guess it’s true: Windows 95 was a good Mac alternative, just 10 years too late.

Needless to say, I’m a Mac guy again. I recently stumbled across “Mini vMac”. It’s a virtual environment that allows you to install the Mac Plus ROM, OS, and your applications. The Mac will run in its own little world unaware that it is not is former stand-alone self. Amazing. I can finally play Dark Castle on my MacBook Pro!


Maybe after 20 years I’ll finally be able to beat it!

