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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

Macintosh SE Keyboard Restoration

Just like the StyleWriter II, it’s been a while since I started restoring the Macintosh SE. Busy, busy, busy.

I picked up more 30% H2O2 this weekend to restore the StyleWriter II. I figured this was the perfect opportunity to finally finish the SE. After all, all that was left to do was give the keyboard another bath.


Here’s the workflow:

I gave all the keys and top case a good soaking. I then threw them in with the StyleWriter II.

I rinsed them off and dried them. I then started the reassembly.

I think at this point it’s safe to just jump right into the before and after pictures...

Before: By far the yellowest part of the whole project.

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After: A little “ashy” but at least the yellow is gone. I think it came out pretty good. Still, I really have to stop making the solution so strong.

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After: Flash can be deceiving. The after shot looks worse than the before one. Trust me, it’s not.

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Before: Very yellow.


After: Again, I know it’s a little “ashy”, but it’s clean.


Before: Yikes! Look at that spacebar!


After: Much better.


Before: Under the keys. This has to be a health violation.


After: I wouldn’t eat off it, but at least I don’t have to wash my hands after touching it.


And the final before and after shots. Not too shabby.

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