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I've kept every email Apple has ever sent me since 2007. It's fun to look back at the old stuff. Check them out.

I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

Apple Store on 5th Ave Still a Bust

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My parents are in town for the week. They are staying in Manhattan just around the corner from the Apple Store on 5th Avenue. We set up a dinner date for tonight. It looked like the perfect opportunity to squeeze in a visit to the 5th Avenue store.

The last time I tried to check out the store was on opening day a year ago. It was insane and I opted to not stand in line for 5+ hours. I haven't had a chance to check out the store since. I’m not going into the city just for that. It’s not like I’m going to buy anything. The tax in NY is insane, and everything can be found cheaper online. Don’t forget parking, too.

We had a babysitter until 11:00. We wrapped up dinner around 10:00 so that we’d be home in time. Needless to say, checking out the Apple Store didn’t happen. I did manage to snap a shot out the window as we passed it by.

Better luck next time, whenever that is.