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I dabble in iOS developement in my spare time. Check out my iOS apps.


I've kept every email Apple has ever sent me since 2007. It's fun to look back at the old stuff. Check them out.

I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

iPhone 3G Unboxing

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My wife and I just bought ourselves a couple of the new iPhone 3Gs. And I finally got the chance to check out the 5th Avenue store .

The iPhone 3G comes in its own custom bag. Nice huh?

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16G Black, 16G White.

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Side and Back views:



Behold: the unboxing!

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They look awesome side by side. Although I like the black one, nothing says “Apple style” like white does. So I had to go for it. When I think “iPod” I think “white”. Besides, it matches my MacBook. That, and the white one doesn't show finger prints nearly as much as the black one does.

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The box includes a quick guide, sim ejector, head phones, USB cable, charger, and cleaning cloth. No dock this time.

