
I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.


iPhone OS 3.0 released

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iPhone OS 3.0 hit the stands today. I saw the Tweets coming in while I was at work and I couldn’t wait to get home and download it.

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The update weighed in at 230 Megs. That’s no problem for my Fiber Optic Internet connection. iTunes had it in hand in 80 seconds.

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The update went smooth without any hiccups.

One thing that I did not expect was this “Updating Library” message that displayed when I entered the iPod:

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It says “a few minutes” but I think it was less than that when all my music magically appeared.

One feature I was eager to test, since I am a MobileMe user, was the new “Find My iPhone” feature.

All you have to do is enable the “Find My iPhone” feature under Settings > Mail > MobileMe on your iPhone. You then login to your account info page on MobileMe.com and press the Find My iPhone sidebar icon.

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You are then presented with a nice looking Google Maps-like interface that pinpoints your iPhones approximate location. In my case, it was pretty much on the money. (I fuzzed out the street names for all you stalkers!)

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You can also send your iPhone a message. That too worked as advertised:

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3.0 is looking great. And lets not forget Spotlight and Cut/Copy/Paste. It’s just too bad AT&T dropped the ball on MMS. They say they’ll have that at the end of the summer, but I’ll believe that when I see it.

I’ve decided to pass on the iPhone 3G S. The new hardware tweaks are a nice- to-have, but I’ll have to wait until December to get the full-subsidized price. By then, we’ll only be 6 months away from a new iPhone. And hopefully just in time for AT&T’s exclusive contract to run out. But that’s another story.