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Color Classic Network Card Install

I’m finally going to try my hand at networking the Color Classic. I think it’s the only machine I have a chance of networking with an OS X machine. From what I’ve been reading, Apple had made AppleTalk networking more and more difficult with every release of OS X. I might have to keep the iMac at OS 9 in order to talk to OS 7 on the Color Classic.

In any case, the first step is picking up a network card. I found a Farallon LC card that should do the trick. It was unopened stock, and came with the manual and disk.

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Installation is a snap. Remove the back panel and slide out the logicboard.

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Just snap the Ethernet card in place and you’re done.

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One thing you do have to do is remove the port cover from the back panel.

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Slide the logicboard back in and replace the back panel.

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Installation complete.

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Now for the software....

Run the installer from the disk.

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Once the Color Classic has restarted, launch the “Mac TCP” control panel and choose “Ethernet”.

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Click “More” and configure your IP address.

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Make sure AppleTalk is off. If not, you’ll have to shut it off and restart. Once you’ve done that, go into the Network control panel and choose “EtherTalk”.

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Launch “Sharing Setup” from the File Men and turn on File Sharing.

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I opted to just share the whole drive.

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OK. That should be it. Now all I have to do is connect the Color Classic to the iMac via the old 10/100 hub I’ve been holding onto and cross my fingers.