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Do you need old system software disks to boot your vintage Mac?

It's fun to look back at old Apple emails. Check them out.

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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

One Step Closer to the Mac Pro

I sold my 5.5G iPod on eBay.

Pasted Graphic 102

I threw in my case and FM transmitter to sweeten the deal. I just bought it 3 months ago to replace the other one that I broke. I pampered it knowing that I would sell it when the iPod Touch came out. (Yes, I knew that it was only a matter of time after the iPhone was released that we’d see the iPod Touch.) Anyway, the iPod Classic and iPod Touch were just announced. I had to act fast on selling my iPod Video before it lost its appeal.

I finally have the money for the Mac Pro and my eBay selling spree is complete. I’m just waiting for Leopard and a possible hardware upgrade.

The dilemma? Do I dip into the Mac Pro piggy bank and buy the iPod Touch? Looks like I’ll be asking the wife for an iPod this Christmas!