
Do you need old system software disks to boot your Mac of the Past? Then RescueMyClassicMac is the place for you!


I dabble in iOS developement in my spare time. Check out my iOS apps.


I've kept every email Apple has ever sent me since 2007. It's fun to look back at the old stuff. Check them out.

I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

New Frames for my Think Different Posters

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eBay was finally good to me and let me take home a Jim Henson Think Different poster. I’ve been on the lookout for one for over a year, but they always hit $200. I got this for a steal!!!

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I needed to pick up a new frame for it, but I couldn’t bring myself to buy another one of those cheap plastic frames like I had the other two posters in. I decided to splurge and pick up new glass frames for all of them.

new frames

What a difference a quality frame makes! Look at the old ones I had hanging in those crappy plastic frames. Just horrible.

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Now look at them in the new glass frames with a thick wooden trim! Now that’s what I’m talking about!

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Getting them hung was a pain. Since I changed their order around, I had to spackle up the old holes, sand, and then paint before I could hang the new ones.

Jim, Buzz, and Albert never looked so good!

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