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Do you need old system software disks to boot your vintage Mac?

It's fun to look back at old Apple emails. Check them out.

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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

Grand Opening - 14th St & 9th Ave

I spent all day going back and forth on whether or not I was going to make the trip into the City after work today for the grand opening. I was even going to leave early to get a jump on the traffic. The thing is, I didn’t feel like driving into the city. I mean 14th street? What a haul! I could have taken the train, but even that’s an hour ride to Hoboken. I figured it’s going to be cold, late, and then there’s the Friday rush-hour traffic. Then it started to snow. I think that was pretty much the deal breaker. I wasn’t about to stand out in the freezing cold, in the snow, to not get in. I mean, I’m not standing in line for 5 hours. I know it’s all about the grand opening, but we all know what happened the last time I showed up for one of those. Instead, I went to the mall and finished my Christmas shopping.

Three words: NO WAY MAN!

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Thanks to Flysi for the pics.