Apple II Mouse
July 30, 2012 Filed in:
Apple II | Mice | Peripherals | VintageFour months after the Macintosh arrived, the Apple //c was released. Although the Apple II and //c could use the M0100 mouse from the Macintosh, they didn’t really “go together”. Apple continued to ship the M0100 with the Macintosh and sold a mouse separately that was targeted towards the Apple II and //c. The basically remodelled the M0100 in an attempt to make it look like it matched either the Macintosh, Apple II, or the //c. Those machines all have a completely didn’t look and feel. It’s hard to think that you could come out with a mouse that would complement either machine. I don’t particularly think the A2M4015 Apple Mouse matches the //c at all. It looks like it belongs with the Apple II. It’s too beige to be an Apple //c peripheral.
It’s very similar to the M0100. Apple just rounded the corners off a little bit. Not that the //c has overly rounders corners. I thought the mouse would have looked a lot better with a little Snow White design language in the mix. Although, I don’t know how well a mouse would have looked or felt with lines on it. At least match the color!

Just like any other 9-pin serial mouse, you just plug it in and it goes. It’ll work on any vintage Apple. I fired up MousePaint to try it out.

It works like a charm.