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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

7th gen iPod nano - For FREE!!!

I’ve been with the same company for 10 years now. They gave me a nice plaque. They also threw me a catalog of gifts to choose from. It was the usual stuff you see in these kinds of things: luggage, coffee maker, power drill, etc. The electronics page had a few neat things, but nothing I really needed. (Blu Ray player, digital camera, video camera.) Basically everything in the catalog was about ~$200 bucks.

But they also had the new 16GB iPod nano with mini speaker!

How could I refuse? I can always use and extra iPod!


iSound Fire

The speaker isn’t bad. I don’t know if I would have bought it on its own. It usually goes for about $25., so it’s a little on the low-end side. I would have probably gone with a bigger name; and one that’s Bluetooth. Hey, you can’t look a gift horse in the mouth, so I’ll take it.

iSound Fire

The one cool feature is that is collapses to save space. If you need a little more bass, just pop it open to improve the sound.

iSound Fire

Ahh! Another fine addition to my iPod collection. I’m not even going to open this one. It’s nice to keep them mint in the box if you can.
