
Do you need old system software disks to boot your Mac of the Past? Then RescueMyClassicMac is the place for you!


I dabble in iOS developement in my spare time. Check out my iOS apps.


I've kept every email Apple has ever sent me since 2007. It's fun to look back at the old stuff. Check them out.

I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.


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I’ve had my eye on Pixelmator since the beta last June. I was so ready to drop the $59, but when I heard it might be part of the MacHeist2 bundle, I had to hold out. I’m so glad I did. I also completed all 4 missions and earned $10 in coupons so I was able to pick up the 11-app bundle for $39.00! Awesome.

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That’s a pretty sweet collection of apps; better than the MacHeist bundle I bought last time.