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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

30G 5th Gen iPod Video

My brother’s not one to hold on to anything out of sentiment or for posterity. Needless to say, when he got an iPhone, he no longer had a use for his 5th generation 30G iPod Video. It ended up in a box of junk in the garage.

My Dad was there for a visit and happened across it. He said, “Hey, you know you have an old iPod in here?”. To which my brother answered, “Yeh, I don’t need it any more. Keep it.”

My Dad has a few iPods and iPhones of his own and didn’t have a use for it either. However, he knows I love all things Apple and will take whatever I can get my hands on.

I was very happy to receive this iPod. After all, I (regrettably) sold my 5.5G and broke my other 5G years ago.

It’s not terrible looking. It shows the normal wear that’s to be expected of an iPod that’s been used without a case and that’s been in a box of junk in the garage for the past few years.

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Actually, with that said, I’m surprised it’s as good looking as it is. In any case, I might pick up a new back and face plate for it.

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I kept the box for the iPod I broke back in 2007, so it’s nice to know I have a box to go with the iPod.

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One more iPod for the collection is always nice. Very nice.