
Do you need old system software disks to boot your Mac of the Past? Then RescueMyClassicMac is the place for you!


I dabble in iOS developement in my spare time. Check out my iOS apps.


I've kept every email Apple has ever sent me since 2007. It's fun to look back at the old stuff. Check them out.

I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

DIY USB Charger


I needed a pocket sized iPod charger. You know, in case of an emergency. First I started with a proof of concept. I connected a 9V battery to a 5V regulator. I cut out a USB socket from a computer PCI card that I had.


Finally, I mounted it in a project box from Radio Shack. Works like a charm.



It works!


I then decided to try the Altoids Tin charger that everyone on the Internet is raving about. I found a cool circuit that was basically the same as mine, but included a current regulator to keep the output at less that 1 Amp.

charger schematic

I managed to squeeze the whole circuit into an Altoids tin with enough room for a 9V battery. There’s no board. All the components are just soldered together at the leads. They are separated by hot glue so that nothing causes a short.



I even added an on/off switch as well as a LED to indicate the battery level. As the battery drains, the LED will dim. Crude, but effective.


I know you can buy these charger at any electronics store. I’ve seen the 9V versions go as much as $20. Not to mention the 40+ hour jobs that are in the $60 range. It’s not about being cheap. It’s about Doing It Yourself!