
Do you need old system software disks to boot your Mac of the Past? Then RescueMyClassicMac is the place for you!


I dabble in iOS developement in my spare time. Check out my iOS apps.


I've kept every email Apple has ever sent me since 2007. It's fun to look back at the old stuff. Check them out.

I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

Mighty Mouse Not So Mighty

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OK, maybe it was my fault. I broke the seal on my Mighty Mouse a couple of weeks ago so I could clean out the scroll ball. My mouse had stopped scrolling down, and I read a post online that illustrated how “gunked up” the scroll ball can get. Disassembly is easy, but once taken apart, the only way to get it back together is by applying a little super glue along the seams. The minor surgery went off without a hitch and my scroll ball was restored to a factory shine. Good as new.

Today my favorite mouse in the whole world had a run-in with my 3 year old. Needless to say, the mouse lost. It hit the floor and smashed into no less that 7 pieces. The ribbon cable that attached the top assembly to the inner circuit board was torn in half. Just think, I bought it on July 25th 2006, the day after it was first released. It looks like I’ll be buying a new Mighty Mouse just in time for its 1 year anniversary.

The carnage:
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