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I'm a total Apple addict, as you might tell.

iPhoto Print Services for 2009

iPhoto print services are lookin’ good for 2009!

I’m very happy with the results for my 2009 photo book. I make a photo book every year using iPhoto and I give it to my wife for Christmas. I pack it full of pictures of our three boys. I theme it as a “Best of ..” for the year.

It starts with January and takes you all the way through to December. So she can look back on the years and watch the boys grow up all over again. She loves it.

I like the new sleeve that they ship the book with. The one last year just came in a cardboard box.


You probably can’t tell from the poor lighting in this room, but the print quality is really nice. They’re not exactly National Geographic quality, but the pages look great and the book is very well put together.


I also had a go this year at making a calendar. It came out really nice. And again, I used pictures of the kids and matched the months to when the pictures were taken. So in June 2010, we’ll know that that’s what the kids looked like exactly a year ago!


Again, the print quality is very nice, and is on-par with your average Hallmark calendar.


$20 Christmas present for Grandma.....

